Busy days ahead, ladies, so keeping your erotic massage healthy and ready to play is a must if you want to stay in the game and book back-to-back dates this holiday season! That’s why we’re talking about smart ways to keep your genital area healthy and ready to go.
But first, you need to clarify something:
Erotic massage and vulva are not synonymous. You have one of each!
Erotic massage takes place inside your body, and that’s the birth canal. Through which the baby comes out into the world or the “tunnel” that connects the cervix and uterus.
Natural fabrics are your best friends.
When we talk about the health of your erotic massages, we have to talk about your choice of underwear! Just as a woman shines when she wears diamonds, so does your pussy: it shines when you choose to wear natural fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and prevent moisture retention.
There is no wash for the vagina.
There are a lot of erotic massages on the market these days, but you should stay away from them because your erotic massage does not need this to stay healthy and smell “good”. Your erotic massage is a self-cleaning “machine”, you just have to let it do its job without interfering by introducing any kind of substances into it, thinking that this way you will stay clean and healthy. By taking a regular shower, without a specific recommendation from the doctor, you are only bathing the natural lubrication of your erotic massage, which is intended to do only that “washing” of your internal genital area.
Try a hairy look
Your pubic hair is there to keep bacteria and “dirt” away from your erotic massage, so by going all “baby bottom” during your erotic massage, you are inviting problems to come in.
Check the ingredients in your lubricant
to avoid ingredients like glycerin, petroleum, fragrances, flavors, parabens, or unnatural oils, which disrupt your natural pH level and can cause bacterial overgrowth in your erotic massage.
Safe sex is the best kind of sex
Safe sex doesn’t just mean using a condom. It goes beyond that and also includes using the right type of condom for you, without spermicides that can disrupt your vaginal flora, getting your STD checked regularly, and monitoring your sex routine so that you don’t move from anal play. Too playing erotic massage without proper cleaning.
Always pee after sex and sleep with your bottom bare
Urinating after sex helps you avoid any type of urinary tract infection, bacteria passed from erotic massage into the urethra, while sleeping naked helps your pussy breathe, cool down and maintain good levels of heat and moisture.
Follow our normal erotic massage health routine and your genital area will remain healthy, allowing you to manage your reservations without fear of having intimate problems.