Rejection is widespread in the free escort industry, and both clients and free escorts may reject you. The most important thing is to know how to deal with rejection and say “no” delicately and diplomatically so as not to hurt the rejected person. Remember that people who use free escorts are looking for a different and more positive dating experience. If you must turn down a customer, be gentle and kind and devise a good reason.
Customers with something else in mind when booking can also reject flint escorts, but you don’t need to take this rejection too seriously. Just tell yourself from time to time that you understand that people are different and may have different needs and wants. Don’t take it personally; be polite!
Why would you reject a client?
There are objective and subjective reasons, but unless you are very particular, turning down a client who makes you feel uncomfortable is okay. The biggest obstacles to dating a client are hygiene, unpleasant sexual requests, lousy attitude, and rumors that other free escorts consider you a dangerous person.
Hygiene – a must if you are going to be intimate
If you will be intimate with a client, hygiene issues are an exclusion criterion. Therefore, make sure he smells good, looks clean, and that his clothes are fresh and neat. These are things you will notice at a glance. Therefore, check him carefully when you shake hands with him for the first time, and remember that if you have problems with this overview, you will have even more significant problems when he removes his clothes. If you don’t like his bad breath, uncut nails, or hairy and smelly armpits, think of an excuse to make him go to the shower. If he refuses, you can politely refuse the date.
Are there any uncomfortable requests? You decide to accept or reject them!
Ensure you have a complete profile and list of all the services you want to offer your customers. This way, you can avoid the terrible situation where a client books you for a specific type of service, and then, during the date, they find out that you don’t do any of it. It could also be that a client doesn’t pay attention to your list of services or thinks they can convince you to agree to a particular service you don’t want during the date. This is one of those situations where you are 100% justified in rejecting a customer. To deal with such a person, explain that you do not offer that kind of service and instead offer something else, i.e., something in your list of services. If she still insists on what she wants, you can politely decline and leave the date.
Warning Flags? Then, no dating is allowed!
If your honor and safety are important to you, conduct a security check on each client, as it is absolutely mandatory in this industry. During the security check, if you find some red flags regarding the date, such as a violent background or criminal history, negative feedback from other free escorts or lies he told you, then you have plenty of reasons to politely reject him and other booking clients.
Bad Dates to Avoid!
A bad attitude on the phone during the booking process is a key sign that the customer may be difficult to deal with. So, during the booking or the first few minutes after meeting in person, avoid rude, hostile and insulting customers. These customers are the problem.
If you have had a bad experience with a rude customer, don’t think he will change on future dates, because he won’t. So, reject him as politely as possible and put him on your blocklist so that other girls can warn you about him in the future.
How to reject a customer
In some cases, it is best to be honest about why you rejected a customer, but honesty is not the best solution if the customer is rude, in a lousy mood, uses foul language, or is aggressive.
Instead, if the customer is calm, kind and receptive to your proposal, you can sensitively communicate the reason for the rejection. Explain the cause and suggest a solution in the future to avoid further rejections.
When rejecting a customer, always be firm while maintaining a polite and gentle tone. If you want to avoid an old customer, don’t stop answering his texts and calls. Tell him that you’re busy, that you’re not accepting new customers, that you don’t offer the service they want anymore, etc. That’s how you break up. You can avoid a bad review if you provide an explanation in a polite way.
But if the customer is rude, keeps calling and won’t accept an answer, it just disappears. Stop all communication and block him from your list. This should send him a clear message.