Once you have escorts and regular clients, make enough money and start running a successful business, it’s easy to lose sight of what it took to get there. When things start going well, you can make mistakes, forget the basics and take things for granted.
But in today’s world, companies and markets develop so fast that it’s easy to make the wrong move, fall behind and lose out to the competition. There’s never a moment when you can relax and think that you’ve done it all and are reaping the rewards of your efforts (at least in the long run). So, without further ado, here are some points you should never lose sight of:
It’s a daily thing. Setting up a website is not enough. You must publish your escort girl, organize new photo shoots, change your ads, and list them in directories. Get your name out there as an escort girl and get word of mouth. Don’t forget to build your network offline, too. We joked about it, but if you don’t have a gynecologist for your escort girl by now, it’s time to find one! However, don’t just focus on the medical checkup of your escort girl. The job is relatively physically and even more mentally demanding, so you need to eat healthy, exercise, do something relaxing occasionally, and ensure you get enough sleep. You must do all this to stay healthy for the job and maintain your appearance and youth, which is essential in this business. Many of your clients have come to you to get something they can’t get at home, but what is stopping them from looking for another escort girl after trying the same thing with you guys a few times? You need to always be on your game. Read what your competitors are doing and try to incorporate some of these steps into your routine. Don’t let it get boring or predictable.
The effort required in this business, the insane work hours, and the social stigma that comes with it can make you lose track of your friends and family. But isolating yourself is the worst decision. If you worry your friends and family won’t understand you, devise a good excuse. Please keep it simple and write down the facts you mention. Take classes to meet new people and try to meet open-minded people who won’t criticize your actions. After all, you can’t live in secret forever.
What else do you think most escort girls forget when they get serious about the business? Have you made any mistakes along the way?