Girl Free Escorts operates as a subscription-based platform with more than a million “creators” who share video clips, photos and messages directly with fans in exchange for a monthly subscription. Creators also earn a percentage of payments received from third-party sites when viewers view their content.
Motherboard has discovered how people are using videos of Escort girls loaded with scraping programs as part of a scam targeting minors to get money from their admirers. Scrapers download Escort Girls videos in bulk for free or for a fee and repost them on other tube sites for profit or for free. Sometimes, these people connect videos of Escort girls as digital archives. Other times, they exchange and collect passwords, names and personal data collected in data breaches as digital collections.
The escort girl was accused of ignoring allegations of minor use on her platform; however, according to a spokesperson, they are “committed” to ensuring that only adults can create and distribute pornographic material through the escort platform. They have doubled their compliance staff and manually review every request submitted to prevent minors from accessing it.
Many parents believe that Girl Escorts do not do enough to protect minor users of their system. Caitlyn, the mother of Leah, a 15-year-old girl who used the escort girl, was shocked that Leah had used her. Leah used the Escorts girl to tweet pictures of herself masturbating or playing with sex toys to her followers. Also, she received messages calling them beautiful or asking them to send a private message so they could meet in person.
Underage girls trying to create or upload explicit videos aren’t technically breaking any laws, but it’s usually against the terms and conditions of subscriber-based websites. Caitlyn doesn’t condone her daughter’s activities, but she can understand how the lure of money could have drawn her into an environment where people would pay her for her daughter’s sexual services.
Leah is just one of thousands of young people taking advantage of Escorts to make money by sharing intimate details of their lives on a public platform like social media, with thousands of registered users and up to £150,000,000 in monthly earnings for its top escort girls alone.
She recently advised BBC News, which revealed that many of the young people were vulnerable, such as former victims of sexual abuse or people mourning from mental health bothers or suicidal views. Although it has features designed to protect its users from the creation and sale of pornographic content online by minors, the UK’s national child protection officer has warned that children are being exploited on the platform.